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Taekwon-Do Dublin TKD

Dear Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors & Black Belt members,


I trust you are all keeping in good health and looking forward to Christmas.


Attached please find application form outlining full details to attend the RITA National Black Belt Class, hosted by Ms Mc Grath, Senior Instructor Tuam Taekwon - Do School on Sunday 26th January 2020 from 10am-12pm.


We encourage all Black Belt members to try their best to attend Black Belt Classes, and look forward to your support.



On behalf of the RITA Masters Council, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very "Happy & Healthy Christmas" followed by a Peaceful & Prosperous New Year.


Thank you for your continued understanding, assistance & cooperation throughout the years.


Kind Regards


Yours in Taekwon-Do


Master Valerie Keane VIII Degree

R.I.T.A National Secretary

Application form available HERE



RITA Steps Up at Slovenian Open

The RITA’s junior black belt squad took another step forward in its continuous development by performing to its current level at the Slovenian Open. The small group of four junior black belts coached by Master Robert Howard (8th degree) travelled to the scenic town of Zrece in eastern Slovenia to compete against athletes from 12 countries, including; Czech Republic, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, and hosts Slovenia. The tournament is a recognised EITF A class event and it was a good test of the Irish squad to see where they currently stand against their European peers. The Irish competitors performed well and took home 2 gold, 1 silver and 4 bronze in both patterns and sparring. It was a time to meet old friends and make new ones and the Irish competitors would like to thank Master Emin Durakovic and the members of the Slovenian ITF for their warm hospitality. The squad are currently preparing for the 2020 European Championships in Prague, Czech Republic. The RITA would like to thank Hanley Energy for its continued support.


Front row: L-R: Master Emin Durokovic (ITF Slovenia), Master Robert Howard, Mr Stefan Cresnar (ITF Slovenia),

Attached please find invitation and application form to attend the Self Defence Seminar conducted by ITF 9th Degree Grandmaster Barrett, hosted by Naas Taekwon - Do School on Sunday 17th November 2019, we look
forward to your continued support.

Kind Regards

Yours in Taekwon-Do

Master Valerie Keane VIII Degree

R.I.T.A National Secretary


Application form available here

Instructors invitation available here


Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors, Black Belts and Students


On behalf of the R.I.T.A Tournament Committee, I would like to invite you to the RITA Irish Open 2019 to be hosted in the



DCU Sports Complex,

Dublin City University,

Whitehall, Dublin 9

on December 1st 2019.



The individual’s event will include:


− Patterns and Sparring for all Junior, Senior and Veteran competitors

− Special Technique will only be open for all Junior and Senior competitors


−   Power will only be open for Senior and Veteran competitors.




The Information Pack is available here


The individual form for instructors is available here




If you have any questions in relation to this event, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Looking forward to seeing you all on the day



RITA Tournament Committee

Sparring Workshop 
Fantastic opportunity to train with World class competitor and instructor Mr Konstantin Yurikov from Russia. On the 21/22 September in St Joseph’s hall. Book today at the link below for early bird discount tickets 
Master Robert Howard 8th Degree

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