Dear Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors & Black Belt members,
I trust you are all keeping in good health and looking forward to Christmas.
Attached please find application form outlining full details to attend the RITA National Black Belt Class, hosted by Ms Mc Grath, Senior Instructor Tuam Taekwon - Do School on Sunday 26th January 2020 from 10am-12pm.
We encourage all Black Belt members to try their best to attend Black Belt Classes, and look forward to your support.
On behalf of the RITA Masters Council, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very "Happy & Healthy Christmas" followed by a Peaceful & Prosperous New Year.
Thank you for your continued understanding, assistance & cooperation throughout the years.
Kind Regards
Yours in Taekwon-Do
Master Valerie Keane VIII Degree
R.I.T.A National Secretary
Application form available HERE