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Taekwon-Do Dublin TKD

2nd Degree Black Belt Testing Criteria



English - Korean

Attacking Techniques

Back Fist Front Strike

Dung Joomuk Ap Taerigi

Back Fist High Side front Strike

Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yobap Taerigi

Turning Punch

Dollyo Jirugi

Crescent Punch

Bandal Jirugi

Double Finger High Thrust

Doo Songarak Nopunde Tulgi

Back Hand Downward Strike

Sondung Naeryo Taeregi

Twin Knife Hand Horizontal Strike

Sang Sonkal Soopyong Taerigi

Arc Hand High Strike

Bandal Son Nopunde Taerigi

Twin Fore-knuckle High Crescent Punch

Sang Inji Joomuk Nopunde bandal Jirugi

Open Fist High Punch

Pyon Joomuk Nopunde Jirugi

Back Fist Downward Strike

Dung Joomuk Naeryo Taerigi

Reverse Hooking Kick

Bandae Dollyo Gorochagi

Hooking Kick

Golcho Chagi

Outward Fingertip Cross-cut

Sonkut Bakuro Ghutgi

High Elbow Strike

Nopun Palkup Taerigi

Knife Hand Mid-Air Strike

Sonkal Twio Dolmyo Taerigi

Pick Shape Kick

Gokaeng-i Chagi

Back Fist Horizontal Strike

Dung Joomuk Soopyong Taerigi

Dodging Reverse Turning Kick

Pihamyo Bandae Dollyo Chagi

Two Direction Kick

Sangbang Chagi

Defending Techniques

X-Fist Downward Block

Kyocha Joomuk Naeryo Makgi

Knife-Hand Wedging Block

Sonkal Hechyo Makgi

Reverse Knife-hand Circular Block

Sonkal Dung Dolllimyo Makgi

Alternate Palm Downward Block

Euhkallin Sonbadak Naeryo Makgi

Knife-Hand low Inward Block

Sonkal Najunde Anuro Makgi

Twin Palm Pressing Block

Sang Sonbadak Noollo Makgi

Inner Forearm Parallel Block

An Palmok Narani Makgi

Outer Forearm Parallel Block

Bakat Palmok Narani Makgi

Twin Palm Rising Block

Sang Sonbadak Chookyo Makgi


Diagonal Stance

Sasun Sogi



EUI- AM Tul (45 Movements): EUI- AM is the pseudonym of Son Byong Hi, leader of the Korean independence movement on March 1, 1919. The 45 movements refer to his age when he changed the name of Dong Hak (Oriental culture) to Chondo Kyo (Heavenly way religion) in 1905. The diagram represents his Indomitable Spirit, displayed while dedicating himself to the prosperity of his nation.

CHOONG-JANG Tul (52 Movements): CHOONG-JANG is the pseudonym given to General Kim Duk Ryang who lived during the Lee Dynasty, 14th century. This pattern ends with a left-hand attack to symbolize the tragedy of his death at 27 in prison before he was able to reach full maturity.

JUCHE Tul (45 Movements): JUCHE is a philosophical idea that man is the master of everything and decides everything. In other words, the idea that man is the master of the world and his own destiny. It is said that this idea was rooted in Baekdu Mountain which symbolizes the spirit of the Korean people. The diagram represents Baekdu Mountain.


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